country office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid
Ethiopiacountry office
Bangladeshcountry office
Benincountry office
Bhutancountry office
Brazilcountry office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid
Burkina Fasocountry office
Cambodiacountry office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid
Camerooncountry office
Central African Republiccountry office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid
Colombiacountry office
Dominican Republiccountry office
East Timorcountry office
Ecuadorcountry office
Egyptcountry office | Projects: Development Cooperation
El Salvadorcountry office
Ghanacountry office
Guatemalacountry office
Guineacountry office
Guinea-Bissaucountry office
Haiticountry office
Hondurascountry office
Indiacountry office
Indonesiacountry office
Laoscountry office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid
Liberiacountry office
Malawicountry office | Projects: Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid
Malicountry office
Mozambiquecountry office | Projects: Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid
Myanmar (Birma)country office | Projects: Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid
Nepalcountry office | Projects: Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid
Nigercountry office
Nigeriacountry office | Projects: Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid
Pakistancountry office
Paraguaycountry office
Perucountry office | Projects: Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid
Philippinescountry office
Rwandacountry office
Senegalcountry office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid
Sierra Leonecountry office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid
South Sudancountry office | Projects: Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid
Sudancountry office
Tanzaniacountry office
Thailandcountry office
Togocountry office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid
UgandaProjects: Humanitarian Aid
Zimbabwecountry office
Vietnamcountry office
Zambiacountry office
ZimbabwePlan Deutschland
Plan International Germany has been awarded several prizes for its transparency in fundraising. In 2012, the child-focused organisation twice reached first position: in the transparency award of PwC and in an analysis of the economy magazine Capital. Plan International, one of the world’s oldest independent child-focused organisations, is working in 51 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and finances sustainable self-help projects by means of sponsorships, donations, public funds and corporate cooperation. Through the “Because I am a Girl” campaign, Plan is strengthening the rights of girls and has induced the UNO to recognize the International Day of the Girl Child on October 11th. Plan International Germany has been conferred the donation seal of the German Central Institute for Social Affairs (DZI). Due to its commitment in development cooperation, Plan was awarded the Walter-Scheel-Preis of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in 2011.