WASH Training of Trainers
With the WASH in Emergencies Training of Trainers (WASH ToT) course, the German WASH Network aims at strengthening capacities to develop, conduct and facilitate national or regional WASH trainings. It targets mainly advanced WASH practitioners who have participated (and will participate) in Regional WASH in Emergencies Workshops of the German WASH Network carried out between 2015 and 2022 in the four regions Africa (anglophone and francophone), Asia and MENA. Fluent English is a precondition for participating in the training.
The trainings are part of a strategic portfolio of activities developed and carried out in close cooperation between the German WASH Network and the German Federal Foreign Office to respond to the growing demand for qualified humanitarian WASH capacity in Germany and respective partner countries. It empowers local humanitarian WASH capacities to address trainings needs in their specific local context independently.
There are two editions of the WASH ToT:
- WASH Training of Trainers: residential training to build capacity of participants to facilitate in-person trainings
- WASH Training of Online-Trainers: virtual training to build capacity of participants to facilitate virtual learning offers
Both trainings engage participants in a comprehensive, multi-day distributive learning process that builds knowledge and skills required to effectively train relevant WASH topics. The interactive training includes advanced training on conceptualising, planning and conducting trainings, intensive coaching on effective strategies for engaging adult learners, and targeted instruction and practice in training others to deliver a specific WASH curriculum.
The virtual Training of Online-Trainers follows the same logic as the face-to-face version, but aims to build training skills especially for digital learning opportunities. It includes intensive coaching on digital methods and tools for engaging adult learners as well as practice in training and feedback. It is a timely response to the challenging working conditions in the COVID-19 pandemic and a progressive way to develop opportunities for localisation that digitilisation offers to the humanitarian system.
Upcoming Training Opportunity: WASH Training of Trainers (face to face version)
Location | Date | Type | Language | Deadline | Application Form |
Nairobi, Kenya | November 18-22, 2024 | In-person training | English | Sept. 18, 2024 | closed |
Practical Information
Date and Place
November 18-22, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya
Target Group
Staff members and experts from locally or regionally active German WASH Network member organisation and its local implementing partners from the three target regions Africa, Asia and MENA, who have participated in a previous Regional WASH in Emergencies Workshop, with explicit training or capacity building demands as part of their ongoing and planned projects. Participants are committed to carry out national or regional “WASH in Emergencies” trainings or workshops in the future. We may request a motivation letter and from pre-selected applicants and support letter from senior management.
The trainers are experienced Sphere ToT trainers and/or WASH experts and facilitators working for different member organisations of the German WASH Network and other relevant humanitarian organisations. The training will be held in English.
Training costs
The WASH ToT is offered free of charge.
Information for trainings in presence (not applicable in 2023): Local accommodation and catering will be covered. In addition, there is a limited budget available to assist in (co-)financing travel costs up to a pre-defined limit for those organisations not able to fully cover travel expenses their own (smaller NGOs, local partner organisations). In case you need support please indicate this accordingly in the application form.
Overall Coordination
Johannes Rueck
German Toilet Organization
Dr. Oliver Hoffmann
Email: registration [at] washnet.de
(for all inquiries)
Tel: +49 (0)30 41 93 43 45
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