MBP for WASH in Emergencies

Technical Guidance for Humanitarian Practitioners

The purpose of this publication is to provide practical guidance on market-based programming (MBP) in humanitarian WASH responses. This guidance is intended for:

  • Humanitarian WASH practitioners
  • Cash and markets practitioners
  • Humanitarian business support teams supporting WASH programmes
  • WASH Cluster/Sector coordinators

This document introduces concrete steps that can be followed and implemented in line with the key phases of the humanitarian programme management cycle:

  • Assessment
  • Response analysis
  • Programme design and implementation
  • Monitoring
  • Preparedness

Each phase is presented as an individual chapter, with a final chapter focused on coordination in relation to MBP. Coordination applies to all phases of the cycle.

This guidance is aligned with the Global WASH Cluster (GWC) position paper on Cash and Markets and with the GWC evidence building study on MBP. It replaces a previous version of the guidance (circulated in 2019) and additionally contributes to the GWC capacity building strategy on MBP.

We hope it represents a valuable resource for humanitarian WASH practitioners to learn more about the significant potential offered by considering markets in their WASH programming and activities.

The guidance is available in the following languages:

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The translation and the related graphic design services  for the French version were supported by UNICEF and the GFFO. The translation into Arabic and Spanish were supported by USAID BHA through Save the Children US.