Market-based Programming for WASH in Emergencies
Market-based programming (MBP) and cash and voucher assistance (CVA) are becoming a central aspect of the humanitarian response, including for the WASH sector. To accompany WASH partners in this transition, the Global WASH Cluster (GWC) with support of the German WASH Network has released a positioning paper on cash and market, and set up a technical working group (TWIG) at global level to provide expertise and guidelines on Market and Cash for WASH. The GWC has also identified weaknesses among WASH practitioners in terms of both knowledge and practices of the market and cash intervention modalities. Consequently, the GWC has included MBP and CVA as one of the priority topics in its capacity building strategy. Although strong training packages on cash transfer have been already by the Cash learning project (CaLP) and humanitarian organization, these trainings remain largely multi-sectorial, rarely address market support as well as CVA. To address this gap, the GWC has developed a specific training designed for WASH practitioners, inspired from CaLP’s Core Cash Transfer Programming for Programme Staff training.
Build the capacity of WASH practitioners and sector coordinators to evaluate the relevancy and use of market-based approaches (including CVA) to achieve WASH outcomes.
Roll Out
The German WASH Network has decided to support the Global WASH Cluster in the implementation of the training with kind support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. The German Toilet Organization and Malteser International will organize and co-facilitate in-person trainings in 2022 in Abuja for the Africa region, in 2023 in Istanbul for the MENA region and in 2025 in Bangkok for the Asia region.
Event | Location | Host | Date | Language | Application until | Application Form |
MBP Training 2025 | Bangkok, Thailand | Malteser International | 20-24 Jan 2025 | English | 1 Dec 2024 | Please click here |
Please note:
- The upcoming training in Bangkok, Thailand for the Asia region will be held as an in-person training.
- If you are interested in participating in the online distance learning course on MBP for WASH in Emergencies, please find more information on UNICEF Agora.
Training Methodology & Agenda
The MBP for WASH in Emergencies Training is a 5 days residential training. It is preceded by a compulsory 1 day pre-course module, including e-learning, pre-reading and knowledge evaluation. The training material were developed by the GWC Technical Working Group on “Cash and Markets” in 2018, and piloted a first time in Nairobi in Nov 2018. After a first day focusing on market and cash concepts, the training explore the delivery of humanitarian WASH programming through market and cash modalities for each Humanitarian Program Cycle phase.
Note: The training is also available as an online training. It was conducted online for the first time in 2021. This virtual training follows the same logic as the face-to-face training, but builds on several digital learning methods, ranging from online lectures to facilitated group work and independent learning via the learning platform “Agora” (UNICEF). The online training includes a scenario-based group exercise where participants simulate all the steps along the humanitarian programme cycle. The training is as interactive as the face-to-face training. Since 2021 the training is also available as a largely self-directed distant learning course over 4 weeks, including 4 webinar sessions.
Practical Information
Target Group
Participants are invited to apply only, if they match one of the following criteria:
- WASH program managers/coordinators with a minimum of 3 years of experience in humanitarian WASH
- Humanitarian WASH Coordination platform staff (e.g. WASH Cluster)
- Governmental officials from ministries connected to disaster response and humanitarian WASH programming
- Cash and market specialists with at least 3 years of experience in the humanitarian sector wishing to develop an expertise in WASH programming
We strive for diversity and encourage women and people with disablities as well as staff of local/national actors to apply.
Training Application
Interested applicants for the training can submit their application using an online form- Applications will be reviewed by the organizer and the Co-Leads of the GWC Technical Working Group. A maximum of 24 participants will be selected. Selection criteria include the following:
- Experience in the field of WASH in humanitarian aid
- Members of the GWC or the GWN, national level local staff from countries with humanitarian crises and people with disabilities are given priority
- Gender balance
Once selected participants will be contacted and asked to confirm their participation within one week. Once participation is confirmed, an official invitation letter will be sent by the secretariat of the German WASH Network.
Trainers & Speakers
The training will be delivered by GWN facilitators and additional cash & markets experts.
- Arno Coerver (Malteser International, WASH Advisor)
- Johannes Rück (German Wash Network, Coordinator and Lead of the GWC TWIG Cash & Markets)
Training Costs
This full residential training event is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and the German WASH Network (GWN). Accomodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner are covered. Any other cost like travel arrangements and transfers (e.g. flights) have to be covered by the participant or the employer. Participants are responsible for the booking of their travel to the venue and back to their home destination.
You have further questions?
Please write us an email: registration [at]
A Training of
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With kind Support of