Stockholm Water Week 2018


Opportunities and Challanges of Localising WASH Humanitarian Assistance

The global humanitarian system is overstretched: crises are increasing in number and severity. The humanitarian WASH sector is seeking ways to meet these growing demands. The established centralised, process-driven mechanisms are a hindrance to contextualised response and the meaningful engagement of local actors. An increasing number of countries are calling for more locally led responses; some even resist to accept international assistance. In 2016, the World Humanitarian Summit advised a stronger localisation of humanitarian assistance and the “Grand Bargain” pledged to provide more support and funding to local and national responders. Two years later, this event aims to take stock of progress, identifying useful approaches, tools and partnerships to assist in localising aid, without compromising the quality of response and the humanitarian principles. Building upon a session with a similar focus at the Global WASH Cluster Meeting in April 2018, the event will utilise a café style format to share results and to encourage dialogue between humanitarian and development actors. Both have a strong interest in resilient societies. Complementarity of targeted investments and efforts is required to build capacity and better prepare local institutions and civil society to overcome the existing and looming challenges.


Opportunities and Challanges of Localising WASH Humanitarian Assistance

29. August 2018  I  Room NL357


09:00  Welcome, seminar introduction and thematic definitions by facilitator
Thilo Panzerbieter (German WASH Network, Chair)

09:10 Where are we now? Current status, gaps and challenges of localizing humanitarian aid in the WASH sector
Dominique Porteaud (Global WASH Cluster, Coordinator)

09:15 Building strong and resilient country systems: How can SWA contribute to the localisation agenda?
N.N. (SWA Representative)

09:25 Short input presentations:  From local to global – Exchanging perspectives on localisation

09:40 – 09:45 Q&A

09:45  Round table workshop –  Identifying practical recommendations, approaches and partnership that can accelerate progress in localising aid

  • Mobilising local actors
  • Moving forward the Humanitarian and development nexus
  • Streamlining donor policies and incentives
  • Adapting the SWA framework to be applicable to humanitarian contexts

10:15  Reporting back and prioritisation of key recommendations
Table rapporteurs

10:25 Event Conclusion

The link to the event at the official Stockholm World Water Week website you will find here.


European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection

Global WASH Cluster

German Federal Foreign Office


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

United Nations Children’s Fund

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland

Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)

Sanitation and Water for All

In Collaboration with