Projects: Development Cooperation


Country office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid, Development Cooperation


Country office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid, Development Cooperation


Country office | Projects: Humanitarian Aid, Development Cooperation


Country office


Country office


Country office


Country office


Country office


Country office


Country office

Sierra Leone

Country office


Country office


Country office

Projekte:  Projects:  3-5  |   Länder: Countries: Afghanistan, Bolivia, India, Yemen, Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda,

DAHW Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe e.V.

"Our vision is a world in which no one suffers from leprosy, tuberculosis and other poverty-related diseases and the consequences they bring, such as physical disability and social exclusion."

Since its foundation in 1957 GLRA - German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association has been successfully engaged in the countries of the global South. The help for people affected by leprosy, tuberculosis and other neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)is done in collaboration with local partners. It places the individual at the center - regardless of religion, nationality , skin color or other factors that can lead to discrimination.

We support people suffering from poverty-related diseases on a global scale. We fight leprosy, tuberculosis and other neglected tropical diseases that can lead to marginalization, stigmatization physical impediment and emotional burden.
As specialists, we support medical and social relief programs that allow affected individuals to live a life in dignity and become empowered to be equally integrated into society.
We conduct research in the interests of improving prevention, diagnostics, therapy and medical-social rehabilitation for our target groups.
In our work we take into account the requirements, capacities, values, and quality standards of our project partners. We espouse national and international standards and encourage self-responsibility of our target groups.

Schwerpunkte Focus
Development Cooperation, Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development,
Bereiche Areas
Hygiene, Sanitation, Water,
Expertise Expertise
Community-Based Wash, Public Health, WASH in Schools (WinS),
Adresse Address
Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe e. V. (DAHW), Raiffeisenstraße Würzburg, Deutschland
Ansprechpartner Contact
Daniel Gulati
+49 (0) 30/55077912
Website Website