GWC Meeting 2018


The Global WASH Cluster (GWC) was holding its annual WASH Cluster meeting from 10th to 11th of April 2018 in Berlin, Germany. The meeting was hosted by the German WASH Network with the support of the Federal Foreign Office, of Germany. It brought together 130 + participants from national and international NGOs, UN agencies, donors and private sector actors involved in humanitarian WASH actions globally. The main themes of the meeting this year were:

  • Localization of WASH Humanitarian Aid
  • Humanitarian WASH Accountability and Quality Assurance
  • Evidence of the impact of WASH in Emergency for response and coordination
  • An update on the GWC Strategy (2016-2020)

Another topic of the event were updates of actual emergency situations in Yemen, South Sudan or the Rohingya-Response in Bangladesh. The German WASH-network would like to thank all participants, referents, supporters and especially the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) for the good cooperation. We like to thank all participants, speakers, supporters and in particular the Global WASH Cluster and the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) for contributing to this success.

Agenda: Please follow this link for the agenda.

Registration & Logistics: Please follow this link to open the eventbrite page.




Livestream Videos

You would like to watch the lectures of the GWC 2018? Live streams of the lectures have been uploaded on the Facebook page of the German WASH Network. On this page you can see chosen lectures that we’ve selected for you.

First Day:

Opening of the GWC
Speakers: Dr. Thomas Zahneisen, head of the Humanitarian Aid of the Federal Foreign Office and Sikander Khan, head of behalf of the UNICEF Emergency Programmes (EMOPS)

Localization of WASH in the humanitarian aid:
Presentation: Thilo Panzerbieter, head of the german WASH-network

Second day:

Lecture about the influence of WASH in Emergencies (Leadership: Melissa, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance)

Compendium Launch

Launch of the Emergency Sanitation Compendium

During the closing event of the GWC, the new Compendium of Sanitation Technologies in Emergencies was launched, a big step for an often ignored subject. The Compendium of Sanitation Technologies in Emergencies provides a structured and user-friendly manual and planning guide for sanitation solutions in emergency settings. It supports and enables decision making by providing the necessary framework for developing a sanitation system design. It compiles a wide range of tried and tested technologies in a single document and gives concise information on key decision criteria for each technology, facilitating the combination of technologies to come up with full sanitation system solutions, all linked to relevant cross-cutting issues.The free pdf-version can be downloaded here. If you are interested to get a hardcopy version please contact info [at]

The development of this publication is a joint effort of the Global WASH Cluster partners under the leadership of German WASH Network, Eawag and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) with support of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). In a next step, the Global WASH Cluster together with the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance will host the online version of the Compendium here.For any further inquiries and direct feedback please use the feedback form below or directly contact: robert.gensch [at]

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