Projects: Development Cooperation


Projects: Development Cooperation

Bosnia and Herzegovina

country office | Projects: Development Cooperation


Projects: Development Cooperation


Projects: Development Cooperation

Macedonia (FYROM)

Projects: Development Cooperation


Projects: Development Cooperation


Projects: Development Cooperation

Projekte:  Projects:  <3  |   Länder: Countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldavia, Romania, Uganda,

Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)

WECF e.V. Germany is a non-profit and independent organisation that promotes public health care, environmental protection and gender equality. The association is a member of the international network WECF (Women Engage for a Common Future), which brings together initiatives of people from all over the world in joint projects. For 10 years WECF is acitve internationally in the implementation of sustainable solutions and political work in the WASH sector.

Schwerpunkte Focus
Development Cooperation,
Bereiche Areas
Expertise Expertise
Biogas, Community-Based Wash, Education and Capacity Development, Human Rights Based Approach, Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), Sanitation, WASH & Gender, WASH in Schools (WinS), Wastewater Treatment,
Adresse Address
Sankt-Jakobs-Platz 10, München Deutschland,
Ansprechpartner Contact
Claudia Wendland
Website Website

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