Country office | Projects: Humanitarian WASH, Development WASH


Country office | Projects: Humanitarian WASH, Development WASH


Country office | Projects: Development WASH


Country office | Projects: Development WASH

Myanmar (Birma)

Projects: Development WASH


Projects: Humanitarian WASH


Projects: Humanitarian WASH


Country office | Projects: Development WASH


Projects: Development WASH


Country office | Projects: Development WASH, Humanitarian WASH


Projects: Humanitarian WASH


Projects: Humanitarian WASH


Country office | Projects: Humanitarian WASH, Development WASH


Projects: Development WASH

Projekte:  Projects:  >10  |   Länder: Countries: Kenya, Lebanon, Mali, Myanmar, Niger, Pakistan, Philippines, Iraq, Nepal, Ukraine, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Uganda,

arche noVa– Initiative für Menschen in Not e.V.

arche noVa e.V. is a German non-governmental organisation, working primarily on the field of humanitarian aid, development cooperation and education. Regardless of the victims’ ethnicity and ideology we support all those who suffer from war, suppression and natural disasters. Main focus of work is water, sanitation and hygiene. Next to the work in foreign countries, arche noVa has a global learning program for school in Germany. Since 1996 arche noVa is awarded with the seal of donation of the DZI (German Central Institute for Social Issues) for exemplary transparency and efficiency.

Schwerpunkte Focus
Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid, Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development,
Bereiche Areas
Hygiene, Sanitation, Water,
Expertise Expertise
Climate Sensitive WASH, Community-Based Wash, Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), Education and Capacity Development, Emergency WASH, Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS), Human Rights Based Approach, Hygiene Promotion, Integrated Water Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Linking WASH & Nutrition, LRRD, Market-Based Programming and Marketing Approaches, Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), Nature-based Solutions, Sanitation, Solid Waste Management, WASH Advocacy & Policy Dialogue, WASH in Schools (WinS), Water Supply,
Adresse Address
Weißeritzstraße 3, 01067 Dresden, Deutschland
Ansprechpartner Contact
Lorenz Ewers
Website Website

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Best practices in WASH projects

Wann ist ein WASH-Projekt nachhaltig? Was funktioniert besonders gut in WASH-Projekten? Zu diesen und anderen Fragen tauschten sich 23 Teilnehmende aus 7 Ländern (Äthiopien, Deutschland, Kenia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Somalia, Uganda) und von 8 Organisationen in einem Workshop im November 2014 in Kenia aus. Die Dokumentation gibt gute Praxisbeispiele der verschiedenen Organisationen wider sowie gemeinsam erarbeitete Kriterien für die Nachhaltigkeit von WASH-Projekten.