The German WASH Network

Welcome to our website

Welcome to the German WASH Network website. We are 30 German non-governmental organisations (NGOs) actively engaged in global humanitarian assistance, recovery and development cooperation are forming the German WASH Network. The triad “WA-S-H” stands for water, sanitation and hygiene. Together we want to contribute towards solving one of the biggest problems of the 21st Century: Globally 2 billion people have no access to safe drinking water, 3,6 billion have to live without safely managed sanitation and 2.3 billion lack a basic handwashing facility with water and soap. This is unacceptable.

The network aims to increase political will to prioritising WASH through joint advocacy and awareness raising. It strives for a professionalisation through the continuous exchange of knowledge and improved collaboration and complementarity of humanitarian assistance and development cooperation.

Together we are stronger!

Since its foundation, the WASH network has been working closely with the umbrealla organisation of humanitarian and developmental non-governmental organisations VENRO, to mulitply the impact of our political engagement and to reinforce our voice in the policy arena and the public.

Click here for more information about the network

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Email: info[at] | Phone: 030 41 93 43 45 | Fax: 030 41 93 43 77